Top 10 MOVIES Of 2024
February 13th, 2025
It's our annual movie conversation! Cousin Josh joins, and we go back and forth listing our favorite movies from 2024.
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February 13th, 2025
It's our annual movie conversation! Cousin Josh joins, and we go back and forth listing our favorite movies from 2024.
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Five days a week, I make a football podcast that has to be up by noon ET. I usually wake up at about 6 a.m. to start work on it, and it never fails: no matter how far ahead in the game I think I am on that day’s show, by noon I’m scrambling to get it up....
There's a theme to several notes that have come in over the past couple weeks (email us:
"Why aren't you more overtly political on the show?"...
There's a vein of feedback I thought I might address. Nothing mean, nothing harsh, nothing like that. But I've gotten a bunch of emails and a Facebook post that have been along the lines of: "Don’t you have any guilty pleasures?"...